
To get an idea of where you can go when you visit Japan, please take some time to browse our destinations pages. Click on any of the links below for a short description of the destination's location, history and characteristics.

Our Travel Tips and Suggestions

Every trip to Japan is an adventure and we want you to enjoy it at its most. If you are not prepared a visit to Japan might be disorientating. We have gathered these articles giving you tips and a better idea of what to do in Japan. If you have any question before your departure please feel free to ask to your Japan Expert.

Why Rediscover Tours?

Japan Experts
Rediscover Tours is “People and Culture”
Slow-paced and In-depth
Varied Japanese-style Accommodations
Varied Japanese Cuisine
Rediscover Tours offers visitors a rare chance to truly get to know the Japanese people and to intimately experience the Japanese culture.
